960 FluiD GriD + DoC DoC

The Fluid 960 Grid System templates have been built upon the work of Nathan Smith and his 960 Grid System using effects from the Mootools JavaScript library. The idea for building these templates was inspired by Andy Clarke, author of Transcending CSS, who advocates a content-out approach to rapid interactive prototyping, crediting Jason Santa Maria with the grey box method.


Jesse Bennett-Chamberlain,
Douglas Bowman,
Allen Chang,
Andy Clarke,
Jon Hicks,
Shaun Inman,
Cameron Moll,
Veerle Pieters,
Jason Santa Maria,
Dave Shea,
Ryan Sims,
Nathan Smith, and
Jeffrey Zeldman

Accueil/informatiqueweb/960 FluiD GriD + DoC DoC